The outlaw theologian
Defending the hope of Christendom on the edges of the wild.
Get Your Household in Order
As a recent study from Business Insider points out, millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) believe the ten most serious issues facing the world are all global issues, with climate change topping the list.
Men Were Made for Physical Strength
As it turns out, the masculine way of sizing one another up is more than simply a cultural tradition. In fact, research demonstrates that grip strength is a key marker of overall physical strength in men.
Cleaning is Man's Work
As the Proverb points out, our children make messes but they must also be trained to be productive contributors to the household. The oxen crapped everywhere, but they were also good for something, which takes practice.
Violent Men: The Offense of Christ's Words
In truth, many of us within the Christian community who claim Sola Scriptura are actually quite offended by the words of Christ especially when it comes to biblical sexuality.
The Art of Endurance
What's hard to fathom is that all this hurt—long-standing, seemingly unending, heart-breaking hurt—is gifted to us in Fatherly love, not malice.
Can We Kill Celebrity-Driven Christianity Already?
The greater issue most people aren’t addressing is the cancer that is celebrity-driven Christianity. If the church is to be healthy again, there's some painful chemotherapy ahead, which means actively putting the celebrity-driven movement to death.
Why the Church Desperately Needs Violent Men
Men are wall builders, protectors and shepherds who are tasked by God with rightly dividing the truth and discerning the different species of wolf, pig, sheep, and goat present in the assembly. Men offer protection by opening the door for this one and showing that one out.
The Best Men Are Dangerous Men
What our society has done is neuter the characteristics of authentic masculinity and then wonder why the new beta male isn't worth a damn.
The Weaponized Apology and the War on Men
The weaponized apology is a politicized call for repentance and has oft been a tool of the left, particularly as it continues to champion identity politics.
The Restful Church
But here's a little insight from over a decade running on the hyperdrive-of-activity treadmill: most of the folks that are on that machine aren't in any better shape spiritually. They're either burned out or headed there.
The Secret Life of Fruit Trees
I'll never forget the wondrous moment as my three young sons, sitting in the back of my friend Gary's side-by-side at his Idaho farm, devoured bowls of blackberries from his garden, many of them as big as their little hands. They were in heaven, the juices streaming down their chins.
Hard Men in a World of Softness
How is it that our seminaries and churches in much of Christendom are somehow attracting and training effeminate pastors? Why is this happening at such an alarmingly high rate? Why are our Christian institutions so skilled at turning out theologically precise men with softness as their crowning virtue?
A Tale of Two People: Those Who Radiate or Drain
We're either giving life to those around us or taking it. There's no neutral ground. We're either the kind of person that lightens the load for others or throws bricks onto already weary backs. We breathe life or we strangle it.
An Ordinary Life
My two older boys and I have been feeding calves for my friend Keith, and in the evenings we'll drive the 10 minutes up valley and out of town to his property. It's the most ordinary of tasks—tossing out hay and busting up a water tank full of ice—but it holds this simple, wonderful power to create pleasure in a bit of physical labor.
I'd like to think character comes from experiencing a long string of successes and goals met—at least that would be convenient and exciting.
The Art of Slow Plodding
In a world short on whole-souled, enduring commitment and long on the quick, easy, and effortless, it’s refreshing and sobering to see men and women who slowly, painstakingly give themselves to the sort of everyday deeds that produce the kind of fruit that can only be measured, not by days, weeks or months, but by decades.
Why Do So Many People Hate Their Job?
We know what it's like to have 27 bosses, the inaneness of having to fill out a TPS report, and what it's like to be called in on a Saturday by a manager we'd rather see on fire than at work. Most of us know what it's like to work for Michael Scott.
Facing Failure
I looked at my brother and shook my head in disbelief. The rain picked up again, an ominous sign and symbol for the long, unforgiving season ahead. Just then, when all seemed lost, I caught sight of a five-point bull working the hillside just a short distance away.
Be Killing Sin
There are countless people in your life who'll tell you how to deal with your problems, but very few who'll help you do the dirty work of actually putting sin to death, facing your enemies, and walking in the often painstakingly difficult paths of repentance.
The Myth of Unlimited Choice
Just as we did not make ourselves, we likewise did not choose which talents, gifts or skills we would be granted (1 Corinthians 12:6). The great lie we’re told from kindergarten to college is that we can be whatever we want. We can do whatever we want. Our choices, vocationally and otherwise, are unlimited.