Violence Is the Answer to Plenty of Problems
One of the most historically ignorant statements of our time is that “violence is never the answer.”
Rather, Robert Heinlein was correct: “Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.”
Thermopylae. Omaha beach. Iwo Jima. Waterloo. Manassas. The Battle of the Bulge. Violence has solved plenty of problems.
While the statement against violence is often made in relation to civil unrest by politicians and public figures trying to quell riots, looting, and the like, it’s also absurdly untrue. I would certainly agree that violence is not the first or best solution in every situation, but to say that it is never the solution is laughable stupid.
Take an unruly crowd frothing at the mouth with a lust for violence, for example. The only solution for those masked men throwing Molotov cocktails and slinging bricks at elderly people and police officers? Good men willing to do violence. How do you stop an active shooter? With well-trained violence. Or as the NRA has so succinctly put it, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Of all times, the American celebration of our nation’s Independence is a time to remember that violence is sometimes the only solution. It is a necessary remedy to tyranny, oppression, and evil. As our forefathers said, when the ballot box and the soap box have failed, there remains nothing left but the cartridge box.
And yet so many in our country would teach us to hate the men who, often violently, gave shape to our nation. In a form of wild-eyed patricidal retaliation, the feminists and pencil-necked whiners want us to destroy the memory of our fathers who were, many of them, truly great and heroic men. Imperfect? Sure. But valiant men who birthed a nation without the aid of modern medicine, a computer, or the AR-15. Brilliant political theorists, brave frontiersmen, undaunted adventurers, dogged businessmen. Men whose sandals we are not worthy to untie.
Ultimately, the reason many within our country hate Patriotism—the root word is pater, or father, and patriotism means “love of the fatherland”—is because they hate violent men. The Gynocracy believes that violent men are obsolete. That’s why it is hellbent on tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee, and rewriting history in a pejorative light that makes us all hate our parents, and whitewashing masculinity as toxic.
The problem today is not that good men are too violent, but too impotent.
We have no heroic men today because most of them have been neutered by a female-run education system, effeminate clergy, and a political system that vilifies masculine energy. Heroic stories breed heroic men, but we have banished those bloody exploits and daring adventures from our children’s ears. White Christian patriarchal colonialism is the source of all evil. Testosterone is poison.
Heroism is a word that is derived from the Latin meaning “illustrious man” and the earlier Greek, meaning “demigod” and “defender or protector.” In a society at war with men, the masculine and heroic has been replaced with the nice, quiet little boy who takes his tyranny like he takes his tea, with a few lumps of sugar (usually in the form of government handouts and a mandatory poke in the arm).
Why does The Gynocracy keep saying violence is never the answer? Because it believes that men (full of masculine energy) are never the answer. The world is female and the solution is a female-run bureaucracy that drowns men in mountains of soul crushing busy work or spoils the children with government goodies until they’re too drugged up or distracted to resist.
A long train of abuses is perpetuated against our families as our children are stolen by pagan indoctrination factories (public schools); our women are seduced away from the home into corporate workplaces to be another man’s helpmeet. And, minus a few rabble rousers, the masses do nothing. More to the point, the men do nothing. There is no resistance. We might lose our office sweatshop job, after all, or get doxxed on social media.
“A country whose women lose their virtue and whose men lose their nerve…soon vanishes into history. When every man is a petitioner, lackey, or a slave, and every woman a whore, the country is finished. A land of “strong” women and weak men is a dead country” (Last Stands, Michael Walsh, 11).
In the past, heroic men “have felt the need, the obligation, and the duty to take up arms against an enemy and fight for what they believe in, whether the defense of territory or in conquest” (Walsh, 11). “War,” Michael Walsh writes, “is essentially masculine” (11).
Today, the men won’t fight. They’ve been told violence is not the answer. Yet their God-given nature cries out. Their masculine heart cries out when they watch The Patriot and soars when a Benjamin Martin tells his sons to “aim small, miss small.” They compare it to their own existence and, if they're honest, realize just how wussified they have become. It's an embarrassing mirror to the men we've become.
“To be male,” Walsh writes, “is to be born if not raised, Spartan-like, with an understanding that the world is not your friend but your adversary and your enemy…the only culture that doesn’t defend itself is one bent on suicide” (Walsh, 15).
Men are made for the agon, the fight. They are made to bleed and give their lives for their wives and sons. As Leon Podles said, "A man who has not bled and suffered, a man without scars, is no man at all" (The Church Impotent, 50).
That’s the key: a refusal to play the man, to fight for your culture, to do violence (in one way or the other) to protect your wives and children, is suicidal. If 2020 taught us anything, it's that the masses can be controlled with a steady dose of weaponized fear.
How desperately we need the stories of our American heroes—men who fought, bled, and died to build a future and a country for their lineage. Patriots, philosophers, poets, pioneers, and soldiers. Men who wrote their names in blood to secure a better future for their posterity.
“You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.” — John Adams